Last Month-The Envelope: How is the Home or Building “Wrapped?”
Address the windows, roof, walls (insulation) and doors that form the structure. Read more about Step 1 here.
Step 2- Make the Switch to Electric
Getting to net zero (NZ) is a journey. Tackling the retrofits and upgrades all at once can be daunting and can have high upfront costs. Plan the retrofits carefully in a phased approach starting with the most beneficial upgrades.
One of the most effective ways to determine the upgrades needed in a home is to get an energy audit by a registered Natural Resource Canada energy advisor (EA). An energy audit should be one of the first actions a homeowner takes on the NZ journey and will most likely be required for either loan or grant applications. The audit and report produced by the EA will provide a list of the most beneficial retrofits and where to begin your upgrades. The EA’s site visit will most likely include a blower door, thermal imaging and a thorough inspection of mechanical systems. An EA provides a report of priorities that detail the weaknesses and strengths of the home. You will know the level of insulation, the quality of the windows and where air is entering and heat is escaping. It will be the most comprehensive way to determine the next steps needed to create a tighter envelope and addressing the weak areas of the home. You will have begun the journey to net zero
Switching to electric fuel in homes (often referred to as fuel switching) will be part of the NZ process. Why is it important? When homes turn off the natural gas, propane or oil, the indoor air is cleaner and healthier, there are cost savings on utility bills, there is an immediate reduction of GHG emissions, there is reduced risk of combustion, and there may be incentives and rebates available that reduce the cost of purchases. Purchasing and replacing old appliances with electric appliances that are ENERGY STAR® rated will reduce your annual energy bills.
Once you’ve addressed simple fixes and installed upgrades that have reduced the energy burden of the home, the next step to complete the path to net zero is installing renewable energy systems like solar and geothermal.